About us

Sri Lankan Engineers in South Australia, SLESA in short, was formed and launched on Saturday the 01st September 2018 with the broader vision;

“To provide a venue for Sri Lankan Engineers in South Australia to foster professionalism and camaraderie”

As Sri Lankan immigrants we have all taken challenging steps to seek new opportunities in South Australia, a place that was initially foreign to us. Most of us now call South Australia home, but our roots will always be with our motherland. At SLESA, we are a community with a shared connection to our motherland and a passion for our profession of engineering.

The main emphasis is given to the three significant elements, “Sri Lanka”, “South Australia” and “Engineer” by providing a broader and clear definitions within the context of SLESA to expand the membership base of the association, as such SLESA is the place for all the Sri Lankan Engineers who found South Australia home or transiting for academic or professional commitments.

SLESA has been registered as an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 on 12th March 2020.

The constitution which governs SLESA can be found here.